On The Brink of a Bloody Racial War SOFTCOVER

In 1983, Ben Klassen launched “Racial Loyalty,” the monthly publication of his organization, the Church of the Creator (today called Creativity).
This book, On the Brink of a Bloody Racial War, contains selected articles and editorials from issues 40 to 81 of “Racial Loyalty” and includes topics such as “Survival, Expansion and Advancement,”; “Operation Judah USA ,”; “Cleansing the Territory;” “If not Creativity, what else is there?”; “Let Them Wither on the Vine,”; “War in the Middle East,”; “Saul, a Jewish Pharisee Rabbi, the Prime Instigator of Christianity,”; “Before the shooting ever starts,”; “Revolutionary Leadership,” and much more. 353 pages, paperback. $21.00